WAAM, WAAM Conference, AMC Türkiye, AMC Turkey, Eklemeli İmalat

MetalWorm participated as a sponsor in this year’s 4th International AMC Additive Manufacturing Conference Türkiye

This year, MetalWorm participated as a Gold sponsor in the 12th Materials Day Event organized by METU Materials Science Society (ODTÜ Malzeme Bilimleri Topluluğu ) with the theme of “Additive Manufacturing”.

At the event, our CEO Prof. Dr. Oguzhan Yilmaz on behalf of TAMA – Eklemeli İmalat Derneği and our Technical Director Nevzat BOL on behalf of MetalWorm, gave presentations on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing.

We would like to thank all the students who participated in the event and to the METU Materials Science Society.